CDGA - The ultimate game CD
    - Is a game Live CD for the Pegasos Computer, containing no less then 111 games (4 of them optional)

    - Är en Live-CD för Pegasos-datorn innehållande inte mindre än 111 spel (4 av dem valfria)

    The cd contains the following games.

    abe, abuse, airstrike, anagramarama, aqbubble, armagetronad, asteroids3d, atanks, atomorun
    balloonchase, barrage, blobwars, blocksoftheundead, bomberclone, bomberinstinct, bomns, bumprace, burgerspace
    ceferino, chromium, circuslinux, crimson, critter
    egoboo, enigma, ensemblist, entombed, excido
    fbg, flobopuyo, foobillard, freedroid
    gemdropx, glaxium, glob2, gltron, groundfire, gunocide2
    heroes, holotz-castle
    jdoom1 ( optional, you need the original wad), jdoom2 ( optional, you need the original wad), jfreedoom, jheretic ( optional, you need the original wad), jhexen ( optional, you need the original wad)
    kball, kobodeluxe
    lbreakout, lmarbles, lpairs, ltris
    madbomber, mirrormagic, mog, monsterz, moon-lander, mousetrap, mures
    neverball, neverputt, noiz2sa
    oilwar, openbubbles
    pachi, panp, pathological, penguin-command, pinball, poopmup, powermanga, ppracer
    race, raptor, roadfighter, rockdodger, rocksndiamonds, rrootage
    sasteroids, scramble, sdb, sdlzombies, slune, smc, snipe2d, spaceorbit, spacerider, spout, starfighter, stargun, supertux, syasokoban
    tecnoballz, tomatoes, toppler, trackballs, trigger, tunnel, tuxkart, tuxpuck, twind
    vectoroids, viruskiller, wesnoth, wok
    xbubble, xlogical, xrick, xwelltris

Author of the CDGA Live CD is Marcel Unbehaum. Many thanks to him for creating it, and for letting us being able to include this CD with all Pegasos system.

It is included for free with every Pegasos system sold.