2, Guidebook

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Bli mer konstruktiv med OpenOffice ! Guidebook ger läsaren allt hon behöver för att lära sig att använda kontorspaketet Boken ger lättfattlig och effektiv information om hur programmen fungerar, liksom alla de 'hemliga' knepen. Författaren Solveig Haugland har undervisat iändning i mer än fem års tid. Boken ger läsaren det hon behöver på ett enkelt och lättillgängligt språk. 2 The Guidebook for 2 and StarOffice 8 is the ultimate insider's guide to learning to use and love the office suite. The book provides not just great, simple information about how to use the program but the hidden tips and tricks you'll need to make life easier. The author, Solveig Haugland, the author, has been teaching for five years, and has developed this book to address exactly what people really need to know, written in a clear, conversational manner.

From the Author:

I'm delighted to be able to publish this book. It's a combination of topics that I've learned are the most important to people, gathered from four years of training, of questions and discussions in my blog, and from my own use of the product. The most important thing about a book is not to simply document how the software works, but to teach people how to do their jobs, using the software. That is my goal with the Guidebook.

Skriven av:

Solveig Haugland
520 sidor
ISBN-10: 0-9743120-2-9
ISBN-13: 978-0974312026

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